Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wendell Berry

I just finished Hannah Coulter and found myself wanting more. Intrigued by the titles of some of his essays as listed with his other writings, I went searching and found this unofficial web site, Mr. Wendell Berry of Kentucky ("unofficial" because he doesn't own a computer and isn't hooked to the Internet). There are links to writings by and about him, including from his book What Are People For?, the answers to which tell a lot about a person. "The Burden of the Gospels," as published in Christian Century, was thought-provoking.


Heather VanTimmeren said...

I'm so glad you liked it! I've heard that Jayber Crow is another good one set in the same town of Port William. There's also a short novel about Nathan Coulter, Hannah's husband. If you have a chance to read more, you can fill in more details at our discussion!

Realtor Becky said...

Loved this book! It really paints a beautiful picture of a strong love as it ages and matures. It takes on new meaning for me as I have watched my parents age over the past few years.