Friday, January 30, 2009

Books that ask (and answer), "What if?"

I'm sorry not to add to the discussion of Rebecca, but my mind is on a book I put down last evening - One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd, by Jim Fergus. I thought it might go well with our theme of books about (or by) women, but I was disappointed. The premise relates to a 1854 incident in which the chief of the Cheyenne requested that the U.S. government give 1,000 white women as brides for his warriors in exchange for peace. It never happened, except in this author's imagination. It's an interesting premise, but not as realized here. Even though it comes highly recommended on the back cover, I found the characters to be contrived (one representative for each ethnic or social group), their dialects clumsy, and the writing without the feel of a journal. I put it down unfinished.

Another book of this type is Michael Chabon's Yiddish Policeman's Union. It asks, what if the United States had given a portion of Alaska to Jews fleeing the Holocaust? Instead of Palestine, they would have a homeland in Sitka for 50 years, after which they would have to assimilate elsewhere. The book takes up just as the 50 years are up, just as the main-character detective is drawn into a murder case that ties together the region's history, politics, society, culture, and angst. Fully conceived and executed. Entertaining, suspenseful, warm, humorous, compelling . . . everything a good book should be. Obviously, the better of the two, IMHO.


Heather VanTimmeren said...

The Yiddish Policeman's Union sounds like a fascinating story. It's definitely on my to-be-read list!

Laura said...

I tried to read The Yiddish Policeman's Union, but got bogged down after only a few chapters. I'm glad you reviewed it though. Maybe I'll give it a try again another time.

Framed said...

I didn't care for "1000 White Women" either, even though the whole idea sounded very promising. I have "Yiddish Policeman's Union" sitting on the shelf. It's good to read an encouraging review for a book you already own but haven't read yet.

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

I haven't read the Yiddish Policeman.. but I totally agree with your assessment of 1000 white women. Blech!

FleurFisher said...

I've seen "The Yiddish Policeman's Union" in the library but not picked it up. Your summary makes it sound really good so I'll take a closer look next time I see it. Thank you!